aes-128-cbc encrypt & decrypt online

Give our aes-128-cbc encrypt/decrypt tool a try!

AES-128-CBC encrypt or AES-128-CBC decrypt any string with just one mouse click.

Characteristics of AES-128-CFB 

AES-128-CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) is a block cipher mode of operation that uses AES with a 128-bit key. It divides the plaintext into fixed-size blocks (usually 128 bits) and encrypts them one at a time. It also uses an initialization vector (IV) to ensure that the same plaintext encrypted with the same key results in different ciphertexts.

Usage of AES-128-CBC

AES-128-CBC is designed to provide confidentiality for data transmission. It can be used to encrypt and decrypt data as it is transmitted between two parties.

One advantage of CBC mode is that it provides strong protection against tampering and other types of attacks, such as chosen plaintext attacks. It is also resistant to attacks that try to recover the plaintext from the ciphertext.

Overall, AES-128-CBC is a suitable cipher for applications that require the confidentiality of data transmission and have a need for strong protection against tampering and other types of attacks.